
trv #081-87 - the Pidgeons, live at the Princeton Public Library

"soundcheck" ::
call into my telethon, dial up and play your harmonica. to me. oh it hurts my ears it hurts my ears.. to hear.. you scream. beautiful soundtrack of kazoos.. are you following me through? will you be my morning ride? back to class oh let's divide. you owe me a sweet talk and you can't deny the way that we will be.. you'll see. you don't lose too much but you will lose the time you have apart you won't.. you don't. beautiful soundtrack of kazoos.. are you following me through? will you be my morning ride? back to class oh let's divide.

"motion" :: other cheek the third eye religious doubt that god's a spy no no he gets scared understood he's understood he's understood you took my mental nap and gave it a mental cap took my face pet a cat take it back just take it back just take it back take it back

"by boat from below" :: put in the good word for me, my dear, wisdom for all to hear. take a seat to please me if you will take a seat, dear, take a, seat dear. napkin in your lap, blankly stare, realize you have three forks. stained ties are never a pick me ups, so pick, me up, so put, you down. so put me in your time-zone, alone so we can talk, pardon my settled reason, while all the others watch. trans-continental by boat from below, used to say but now they don't show, meaningless minds take me down on the scale, playground diamonds last forever oh please. the sonic death is the one for me the sonic death is the one for us. so put me in your time-zone, alone so we can talk, pardon my settled reason, while all the others watch. (jacob on guitar). i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you i'm dyin to meet you.

debut of the song "library." :: you surround yourself with cookies to make me feel like honey and barbeque your sweet dreams cos baby you're like honey tear off my face face the facts to candy tear off my face face the facts to candy tear off my face face the facts to candy tear off my face face the facts to candy it's 10 for a packet of paper and you get plenty to spend don't forget no. 2 pencils fresh from the 46 end stickers multi-colored for 10 bags i was helping homeless i was helping i was helping homeless i was helping. we were helping the homeless and now we're helpless and now we're restless where's my scissors to cut open this box and i was helpless and now we're homeless where's my scissors to cut opent his box? i was helping homeless i was helping i was helping homeless i was helping.

"red" :: inconsistent logic leaves a glass half full of nothing. if something seems unsolved then maybe you're just missed. poetry killed the feeling that you couldn't put into words. idle minds leave idle presence as i present to you this gift. as those that never were, i hope you you come back soon. quiet. so your dreams can seem real, turn on your christmas lights. imaginary motivation up to any kind of end.

"tony manero" :: you go: DISCO DISCO 1 2 3 4!


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